Sakura Plugin

Sakura Plugin

Sakura FL Studio 20 Plugin ‘Sakura’, the string physical modelling instrument. Therion discography. Like the transient beauty of Sakura (Japanese for Cherry Blossom), the sound of stringed instruments blossoms and fades. FL STUDIO by Image-Line Software. In the tournament mode, several sakura branches of varying complexity are available. Every day the first 25 lucky winners, who earn the most points in every of complexity modes, will get prizes. American gods torrent s01e01. Sakura is available for iOS 11+ and Android 5.0+ environments. Activation key for malwarebytes 3.0 6.

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Native Minecraft Version:
Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
Source Code:
Sakura is a tiny fun plugin that - well, adds cherry trees to Minecraft just as the name says. For the Japanese, the blossoms stand for departure, beauty and transiency since they bloom just for ten days. Good that Minecraft doesn't support seasons, yet!

The trees drop cherries if you cut the leaves and they consist of unique items.

Sakura Plugin Tutorial For Beginners

Command: /sakura ([player]) [sapling|cherry|log|leaves|flower] ([amount])

Sakura Plugin Presets

Required permission node: 'sakura.cmd'
You can craft sakura blossoms out of the blossom block:

This plugin requires in order to work!Plugin
It is supposed not to bother you with any setup stuff, but if you want, you can add a config.yml file manually to translate the item names and to modify the drop rates (5% for a sapling is the usual drop rate for oak etc. and 0.5 is the drop rate of apples).

Sakura Plugin Download Free

syntax: '[Sakura] Fehler: Nutze /sakura ([player]) [sapling|cherry]'
permission: '[Sakura] Fehler: Du hast nicht die nötige Berechtigung, um diesen Befehl zu benutzen.'
cherry: 'Kirsche'
leaves: 'Kirschblüten'
log: 'Kirschenholz'
sakura: 'Sakura'
sapling: 'Kirschensetzling'
dropChanceCherry: 0.5
dropChanceSapling: 5.0
If you want, you can add a custom cherry texture like these ones to your server resource pack.
CIT script (what is CIT?):
Sakura Plugin

Sakura Plugin Free


Sakura Plugin Fl Studio


Sakura Plugin Fl Studio
